This agreement applies between the subscriber (hereinafter referred to as the customer) and Inleed (Yelles AB org. no. 556931-6788), (hereinafter referred to as Inleed). The agreement covers all services and products offered by Inleed (hereinafter referred to as the subscription).
1.1 Scope of the agreement
The agreement includes contract duration, fees, and termination (section 2), support and maintenance (section 3), disclaimer (section 4), customer's responsibility (section 5), personal data (section 6), and other contractual terms (section 7).
1.2 Amendments to the agreement
Inleed reserves the right to change this agreement at any time. The new agreement is valid when it is published on Inleed's website.
2. Contract period, fees, and termination
2.1 How the fee is paid
Fees for the subscription are paid in advance by invoice via bank transfer or card payment.
2.2 Subscription period
The subscription period runs indefinitely from the date of order. Specific service applies for the period specified on the invoice.
2.3 Renewal of subscriptions that occur every 12th month or less often
2.3 Renewal of subscriptions that occur every 12th month or less often
2.4 Renewal of subscriptions that occur more frequently than every 12th month
For subscriptions that are renewed more frequently than every 12th month, Inleed sends out an invoice for renewal for an equally long period at the end of the current period. The invoice applies to the renewal of the subscription in the future. The agreement shall be considered renewed at the time Inleed sent the invoice. The invoice must be paid before the payment period expires, otherwise Inleed has the right to shut down the customer's subscription and apply a reminder fee, penalty interest, and possibly compensation for debt collection costs according to Swedish law (1981:739) on compensation for debt collection costs.
If the invoice is not paid within the payment deadline, the subscription and its content can be deleted. The customer is liable for payment of the issued invoice.
2.5 Changes to fees
Fee changes are informed via Inleed's website. Inleed has the right to charge a changed fee at the renewal of a subscription.
2.6 The customer's right to terminate the subscription
The customer has the right to cancel their subscription with Inleed at any time via a termination (see 2.7). An invoice that the customer has already paid is not reimbursed. This also applies if time remains on the customer's subscription.
2.7 Termination of the subscription
A termination of the subscription is made by the customer sending a request for termination from the email address that is the owner of the account to [email protected] and then confirm the termination by responding to the email that Inleed sends out after the customer's request.
2.8 Active subscription during the contract period
Inleed is responsible for ensuring that the customer's subscription is active on Inleed's servers during the contract period (see section 4).
2.9 Deletion of data at the end of the subscription
When a customer's subscription expires, all the customer's data is deleted from Inleed's servers. It is the customer's responsibility to make backup copies of its data before the subscription period ends (see 5.3). After the end of the subscription period, it is not possible to restore data that has been deleted.
2.10 Reactivation of Subscription
A terminated subscription may potentially be reactivated in cases where a backup of the customer's data has not been deleted. When reactivating a subscription, Inleed charges the customer a fee of 350 SEK including VAT.
3. Support and Maintenance
3.1 Planned Downtime
Inleed will notify the customer at least one day before each planned downtime. Inleed notifies the customer via email or social media. This does not apply to system crashes and/or loss of data, regardless of the reason. In these situations, Inleed is free from responsibility towards the customer (see section 4).
3.2 Support Hours
Inleed reserves the right to change its support hours, which are shown on Inleed's website.
3.3 Backup for web hosting subscriptions
If the customer's subscription is for web hosting, Inleed is responsible for taking a daily backup of the customer's data stored on Inleed's servers. For web hosting, Inleed saves the customer's backups for the past seven days. However, if the backup system breaks down, Inleed is free from all responsibility towards the customer (see section 4).
4 Disclaimer
Inleed takes no responsibility for any damage that a customer, directly or indirectly, suffers from using the subscription. This includes, but is not limited to; server crashes, non-functioning backup systems, downtime (regardless of reason), loss of data and/or advice resulting in data loss. The customer can never claim any compensation for damage caused to the customer due to Inleed.
5. Customer's Responsibility
The customer's responsibility towards Inleed includes:
not violating Swedish law.
only using the service at Inleed that the customer has ordered.
not conducting intrusion attempts on other data not belonging to the customer from their subscription.
not using the subscription in such a way that inconvenience arises for Inleed or another.
always contacting Inleed through contact channels associated with the customer's account, such as registered email address or registered telephone number.
updating their personal data.
if the customer's subscription is for web hosting, not reselling or allowing a third party to use the subscription (except Resellers, see 5.1).
only adding domains in Inleed's system that are owned by the customer.
not spreading harmful material such as viruses or the like.
5.1 Resellers
A customer, whose subscription is for web hosting, who has the account type Reseller is allowed to resell their account to a third party. However, in these cases, the customer should act as the responsible party between Inleed and the third party.
5.2 Customer's breach of contract
Inleed always has the right to terminate the subscription with immediate effect if the customer commits a breach of contract in violation of this agreement.
6. Personal Data
The customer understands that the personal data that the customer provides is collected and processed in accordance with the Swedish Personal Data Act (1998:204) and the General Data Protection Regulation (European Parliament and Council Regulation 2016/679) for the purpose of fulfilling the agreement between the customer and Inleed. The customer agrees that their personal data will be used in Inleed's word and text processing, customer management systems, registry keeping, accounting, and other administration, as well as email. Any complaints regarding the processing are sent in the first instance to Inleed for correction. Continued complaints can then be sent to the Data Inspection.
When ordering a domain name, the customer also agrees to the respective top-level domain registration terms. Use of domain names takes place immediately and cannot be canceled.
Any additional service or product can be ordered via direct contact with Inleed. This agreement is the basis for all other agreements the customer has with Inleed. Any agreements beyond this agreement should be seen as supplementary agreements with this agreement as the main agreement.
7.4 Domains
For all domains that Inleed registers for the customer, the customer should be listed as the owner (unless the customer wishes otherwise) and Inleed as the potential technical/administrative contact.
When using a domain under ICANN, the customer agrees to the current terms for ICANN.
If the customer cancels his broadband subscription after it has been activated at the customer's initiative, Inleed is entitled to charge a fee for the period the service has been used. This fee will correspond to a portion of the full price of the agreed service and may also include any start-up fee.
If the subscriber's traffic consumption significantly exceeds what is considered normal use for the specific service, Inleed reserves the right to temporarily limit the capacity.
7.6 Deposited funds
Customer can acquire funds on deposit with Inleed which can later be used for services and products. Deposited funds, regardless of their nature, cannot be refunded and must be used within a period of 24 months from the date of deposit. After this period, all unused funds are forfeited and can no longer be used.
7.7 Microsoft Customer Agreement
When using services/products from Microsoft, the customer accepts the applicable Customer Agreement/General Terms and Conditions for Microsoft: Microsoft Customer Agreement (MCA)
7.8 Applicable law and dispute
Swedish law shall apply to this agreement. In the event of a dispute arising from the agreement, an attempt should first be made between Inleed and the customer to agree on a solution. If this fails, the dispute can be tried in a Swedish general court. The customer also has the option of turning to the General Complaints Board to get a recommendation for resolving the dispute.
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